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A Month In The Life Of Amanda Adams: February

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Updated: Mar 4, 2021

It is with the greatest of all privileges that we start this new blog series on one of the most incredible people I've ever had the grace of knowing; Alternative/Folk/Americana Artist Amanda Adams.

Last month Amanda & I disucssed doing a monthly blog series discussing everything going on in her life during said months. Amanda Adams is a talented Singer/Songwriter possesing a voice with magic similar to that of a soft snowfall. The month of February also felt like the perfect month to kick of this series with as Amanda has taken a big step forward in her music career. But we'll save that for when we get there in the blog. Speaking of which, I see no reason to draw this out besides stating how Kind & Beautiful Amanda is, so let's get into the interview.


Brenden: "OK. You Ready? :)"

Amanda Adams: "Yes!" ❤️

Brenden: "Awesome Sauce. So, the first installment for the month of February going into March. Let's start with your music.

Have you written any songs or start any songs this past month?"

Amanda Adams:

1) "Unfortunately I haven’t been writing much lately, I’ve started working at a vaccine clinic so I’ve been really busy with that."

2) "I have written a couple pieces of songs, but I’ve mostly been using free time to re-record vocals for “Say What You Want” and making some other content."

Brenden: "Ahhhh. Ok, now let's discuss that for a bit.

Work Life: How did you get started working at this clinic? What does your job entail? Are you enjoying what you do?"

Amanda Adams:

1) "I got started doing that by applying through Indeed! I was looking for something to do part time while waiting for the world/music to come back. I really wanted to help out with the pandemic, but didn’t think I could in any medical capacity as I’m not a healthcare worker. When I found this job I was so excited!"

2) "My job entails helping nurses administer the vaccine, checking the patient in, making their second appointment and such."

3) "And yes, I love what I’m doing!"

Brenden: "Would you say your mother serves as your inspiration for this line of work?"

Amanda Adams: "Oh yeah, for sure. She’s done an amazing job throughout all this, it’s been difficult to see her pain though because she’s been working in the ICU."

Brenden: "I understand she's also changing things up work wise. Can you tell us anything about that? And would you say being in the same line of work has helped you gain an even bigger appreciation for what your mom does?"

Amanda Adams: "Oh completely- I get tired after a ten hour day of interacting with people and just sitting down and she works 12 hour days on her feet, doing crazy difficult stuff! I admire her and all nurses immensely. I’m also just blown away by how much all the nurses know. And yes, she’s switching to a managerial role at Rhode Island Hospital!"

Brenden: "Well congratulations to her."

1) "Did she have any advice for you before you started this job?"

2) "Of all the tips, what have you taken the most to heart?"

Amanda Adams: "Hmm I’m not sure she did! I don’t think either of us knew what to expect with this job!"

Brenden: "Ok, going back to the songs:"

1) "The couple pieces you've started writing, what can you tell us about these songs?"

2) "What vocal pieces for "Say What You Want" are you revising in the recording room?"

3) "What's this other content you speak of?"

Amanda Adams:

1.) "I’m not sure yet whether the pieces will become full songs. Sometimes I like to just try writing for exercise!"

2.) "I actually had to re-record all vocals for “Say What You Want” because I stupidly didn’t use a pop filter the first time." 🤦🏽‍♀️

3.) "I’m working on a video right now- I realized that I should be putting out more full length songs instead of just the snippets. I plan to put the full length songs on YouTube as well!"

Brenden: "Oooo. Nice, Can you give us any hints on this upcoming video?"

Amanda Adams: "Well it’s kinda folky and hopefully a song everyone will recognize! It’s a simple one though, just vocals and guitar."

Brenden: "Sometimes, Less Is More. :) Now, onto something big you've started this past month; Your Patreon Page."

1) "How long have you been planning this out for?"

2) "Where'd you get the idea to start a Patreon page?"

Amanda Adams: "Yes yes, thank you for mentioning that! It’s been in the works for a while, a good friend of mine, Adam Monaco, really inspired me!"

Brenden: "How long did it take you to set up your page? What's the process like?"

"And Yes, Happy To Mention It." :)

Amanda Adams: "The longest part was making the video but it doesn’t take that long! I played the guitar tune behind the video then paired it with little video clips!"

Brenden: "How many Patreon Supporters have joined your page so far?"

Amanda Adams:

1) "I’m not sure yet because I haven’t done any promotion for it yet so it’s pretty private at the moment!"

2) "I think that you’re one of the only people who knows because of the YouTube video I made!"


1) "When you get more members and start posting more videos, do you plan on adding more pledge options? $1, $10, $20?"

2) "What will be the different rewards for each pledge?"

3) "Why did you start with just $5?"

Amanda Adams:

1) "Yes but that’ll be a little ways a way! I like the idea of keeping simple to start to deliver what I can promise right now with the craziness of the job!"

2) "I am totally open to suggestions though if you have any!"

3) "I started with just the $5 per the request of that good friend/patreon pro." 😆


1) "Oh I definitely have some ideas:


1) Following Higher Pledgers On IG & Such.

2) Signed EP's.

3) Discounts On Merch Down The Road.

4) Cover Requests For YouTube Cover Videos With Shout-Outs.

5) Doing Shows For Them, Or Discounts On Doing Shows For Them. Whichever.

6) Writing Songs For Them.

7) Crediting Them In Your Videos.


"The Higher The Reward, The Higher The Pledge Should Be Of Course.

2) "Do you have any plans for what content you're going to make exclusive on your Patreon page for your pledgers? What will you post first on there?"

3) "Also, you said you're trying to get more content on your YouTube Channel. It'd be fair to say that part of this has to do with your Patreon initiative. Are you also seeking to try to build up your subscribers and view counts enough to get your channel monetized? What would it mean to you if you could accomplish this feat that many others strive towards in the YouTube community?"

Amanda Adams:

1) "Those are some great ideas, thank you!! I’ll have to remember this or ask you about em again at some point."

2) "I like the idea of some behind the scenes talking about songwriting stuff and some exclusive cover videos. Also some things that I plan to release everywhere will come out first sometimes on patreon."

3) "Good questions regarding YouTube! I don’t necessarily strive for monetizing there (though of course that wouldn’t be a bad thin) but I do find that it’s a good way to gain new followers."

Brenden: "Excellent. I'm glad we discussed this this month. Now, on a general note, How was the month for you? Did you get to do anything fun? Any memorable moments? Anything funny happen? What would you like to share about this month with the readers?"

Amanda Adams:

1) "Good question! This month has been great, I’m so so excited about it staying lighter longer everyday because we’ll all get outside more and perhaps outdoor music opportunities are just around the corner! I’m also happy to say that I’ve received both doses of the vaccine." :)

2) "How was your month?"


1) "So Happy To Hear You've Gotten The Vaccine! =D

That Just Made My Night Knowing You're Safer Now."

*Feel Free To Skip This Block.

This blog is about Amanda, not me.


1) "For me, we got a Roku, so now I'm Binging a lot of shows on the TV rather than the computer. Also looking for work of course, especially in my field. I just applied to a film group in Providence today. Got our taxes done. Getting out walking more with my dog since we've both put on some pounds."

2) "Got A Spa Day Planned Out. Pedicure, Foot Facial, & a 2 Hour Massage. Absolutely Heavenly."

3) "Also looking to do some hiking on a vacation, I actually wanted to talk to you about that in a moment. But first,


2) "What can we expect to disucss next time for the month of March? What plans do you have for the upcoming weeks? Any projects you're working on, content for your patreon, any more writing sessions?"

3) "What's this show you have going on Wednesday night?"

4) "Also A Quick Plug: If you're looking for something funny and unique to watch, I highly reccomend "Resident Alien"."

Amanda Adams:

1) "Wow that sounds like a good mix of relaxing and eventful! Good for you regarding the spa and walking/hiking stuff!"

2) "The show Wednesday is an Instagram live songwriter showcase- I’m really looking forward to it :) I don’t know any of the other artists yet but it starts at 8pm EST and I’ll be playing two songs."

3) "Yes definitely some writing and some full length covers! Also going to send my next single over to a couple friends to take a look at. I’m thinking a hello/welcome/songwriting video as the first in patreon and also a cover song." :)

Brenden: "Awesome. Sounds Great! A couple more quick things, and then we'll close up."

"First, they've announced that in MA they are going to allow live entertainment again, opening up venues and/or allowing performers at resteraunts and bars and such."

1) "What are your thoughts on this? Are you excited to get back out there and perform?"

2) "Do you plan on doing so?"

3) "Do you think it's safe & wise?"

Amanda Adams: "I think the safety of the live performance really depends on the setting and how the venue regards the pandemic! I would love to get back to performing but of course have to keep the safety of others in mind."

Brenden: "Well said on Safety First."

"Let's chat a little about both the tattoo you got, the boots & your first attempt at playing the Cello."

1) "What sprunge the idea to get a tattoo, why on the wrist, and what's the significance of the design? Did everyone get matching ones on their wrists as well?"

2) "How did you get your hands on this cello? Were you jamming with a friend and they offered to teach you some of the strings? How did you do on your first attempt? Did you love the experience?"

3) Lastly, how are the thrift boots working out for you?

Amanda Adams:

1) "The tattoo is in honor of my late great uncle, who passed this summer. We all did dragonflies and Most of us got it on our wrist but my cousin put hers behind her ear."

2) "Yes, good guess! My roommate is a cellist and let me try it. I was so excited because cello is my favorite instrument and I’d never tried it before. We’re actually going to exchange cello lessons for guitar lessons"

3) "I haven’t worn the thrift boots yet but look out for them in a future music video!"

Brenden: "Awesome! Can't Wait To See Them In Action."

"That sounds like a perfect way for two artists to help each other expand their musical horizons."

"And that's a really beautiful tribute. So sorry again for your loss."


"Well, that about wraps it up. Thank You So Much For Agreeing To Do This With Me Amanda. It Was An Absolute Blast. So Excited To Share Your Story With The World. I Can't Wait To Do This Again At The End Of March. Hope You Have A Spectacular St. Patrick's Day. "Toppa The Mornin To Ya!" ;)

"Have A Wonderful Night Amanda.

All The Same To Lucy As Well.

Sleep Well. Much Love."

Amanda Adams: "Thank you so much again for doing this, very kind of you to care so much about my music! I do appreciate it. Sounds great, I hope you sleep well too!" ☺️

Brenden: "Absolutely, I Live For This. Sweet Dreams." ☺️


And there you have it folks, the first month installment of my brand new blog series with Amanda Adams on her day-to-day life each month. Thank You so much to Amanda for agreeing to do this with me. Also, thank you to Amanda, her mother, and all other front-line workers out there risking their lives everyday as we continue to battle through this pandemic.

Be on the lookout around the end of March for the next installement in this series.


Amanda Adams Social Media:

Redwood Rain Social Media:


If you haven't already, be sure to join Amanda Adams' Patreon so that you can help support her in her music journey. Link down below:


Thanks again for giving my blog a read. I hope you'll all continue to read them and help me support these incredible people.

I can't wait to hear Amanda's new singles, and I hope you'll give them a listen as well.

If any of you have upcoming works that you'd like me to promote on my website. just shoot me an email.

Until Next Time.

Cheers To A Better Future.

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